Lila's Story - Xylitol Toxicity
Did you know that chocolate is toxic to your pet? How about raisins? Chewing gum? Sometimes pet owners have to find out the hard way. But 7-month-old, Lila, from Stamford was lucky.
Thanksgiving Safety
10 Tips for Keeping Your Pets Safe on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving centers around food, and who doesn’t want to share the holidays with their pet? In one poll, 56 percent of pet owners admitted to sharing Thanksgiving table scraps with their pets. Adding lean protein and vegetables to your pet’s diet may be great, but please be aware that there are also hidden dangers in holiday fare. Below are 10 tips to keep Thanksgiving safe for your pet (and avoid a trip to the Veterinarian).
CUVS’ 2015 Courageous Companions Event Portraits by Boprey Photography
On March 21st, Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (CUVS) honored the lives of some of our most "courageous companions". At this very special reunion, our doctors and staff gathered to honor these remarkable animals and their bravery, and demonstrate our appreciation for them and their human families. CUVS also offered each family the opportunity to sit for a professional photographer as a tribute to their beloved companions. We wanted to share these beautiful photos with all our readers, along with a few of their stories.
These pets, along with their supportive and loving families, remind us why we do what we do, and they will always hold a special place in our hearts.
CUVS' 2014 Courageous Companions A celebration of some of our most remarkable patients.
On March 1st, Cornell University Veterinary Specialists (CUVS) honored the lives of some of our most "courageous companions". At this very special reunion, our doctors and staff gathered to honor these remarkable animals and their bravery, and demonstrate our appreciation for them and their human families. CUVS also offered each family the opportunity to sit for a professional photographer as a tribute to their beloved companions. We wanted to share these beautiful photos with all our readers, along with a few of their stories.
These pets, along with their supportive and loving families, remind us why we do what we do, and they will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Nutrition Workshop for Pet Owners
CUVS Nutrition Workshop for Pet Owners
Thursday, January 9, 2013
6:00 - 8:00PM
Cornell University Veterinary Specialists
880 Canal Street, Stamford, CT 06902
Visit the Pet Owner Continuing Education page at for a full-sized flyer and more information.
Our "Pets of Summer" Winners!
Without further ado, we present...
The winners of our "Pets of Summer" Contest!

Pets of Summer Contest
Introducing our...
Pets of Summer Contest!
For many, this is the last week of Summer vacation. It’s back to school, back to work and time to get out of the pool! You might be left wondering where the time went, and we here at CUVS want to know just that - what did you and your pets do with your summer?
Courageous Companion Featured in 'SCOPES!
Bo - Our 'Scopes Star!
A big congrats to Bo - one of our most spirited Courageous Companions who is currently featured in 'Scopes, a magazine published by the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University. Click the images below to read the article.
We're so proud of Bo and so thankful for the support and genuine care of his loving family.
Patient of the Month
CUVS' Patient of the Month
Cody Stix
July’s Patient of the Month – Cody – is a shining example of how dramatically specialty veterinary care can improve quality of life for our pets.
Cody visited CUVS for surgery to repair a broken leg, but it was cataract surgery to treat his sudden blindness that really gave him a second lease on life. Cody's mother Louise was kind enough to share his story with us.
Latest Comments
I am honored to know Laura for many years and so proud of who she is and what she has become!!
So glad you found the best home! Love you Lex❤
I never knew the whole story of Mica! When her stomach twisted right before Christmas, I am so glad that we all were able to help her and get her well again to continue your adventures together, with your CUVS family by your side now of course!
Dr Hackner's cat
What a wonderful story and exactly what I would expect Dr Hackner to do. I will never forget the care Dr Hackner's gave to my beloved Turpsy over a very long, awful weekend.